Hi there,
It is that time of the year again when the club committee reports back to members of the year ending on 31 December 2022 and elects the committee for 2023.:
When: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 @7pm
Where: Clubhouse - Cnr of Butmarrro and Turallo Terrace (opposite the Bungendore Playground)
Papers (Agenda, Minutes of 2022 AGM mtg and summary of nominations for committee members, President's report, Treasurers report and Financial Statement) will be sent to club members one week before the meeting and be available at the clubhouse on the night.
REMINDER: Its not too late to nominate to be on the committee - nominations close midnight 6 February 2023 (see all member email sent on 5 January 2023).
Happy hitting!
Club Committee!