About us

Buangor is a rural village on the Western Highway and Melbourne-Adelaide railway, 24 km east of Ararat, set mostly in flat to undulating land.

The Buangor district’s first pastoral settlement occurred with the Mount Cole run, taken up in 1840 by Alexander and Colin Campbell. In 1849 the run was divided between the brothers, Colin Campbell’s part being named Buangor. It is thought that the name was derived from an Aboriginal word which referred to a granite mountain or pointed hill (Mount Buangor, 8 km north of the Western Highway, is predominantly granite).

The Buangor township was surveyed in 1861, and Mac’s Hotel was built during 1862-63. At about that time, or as early as 1860, a Cobb and Co stable was opened. It is a two-storeyed bluestone structure of imposing dimensions, and is on the Victorian Heritage Register. In 1865 Bailliere’s Victorian gazetteer recorded Buangor as a postal village with the hotel and stables as the main amenities.

A public hall was opened in 1870, a Catholic church in 1875 and a school in 1878. The railway line through Buangor was opened in 1875. Whilst the railway complemented the subdivision of large pastoral properties for farm selections, there was a considerable residue of large holdings for soldier settlement during the 1950s. Anglican and Presbyterian churches were opened in 1888 and 1901. In 1903 Buangor was described in the Australian handbook:

North of Buangor is the Mount Buangor State Park where there is a weir and small reservoir. It has been popular with tourists since the nineteenth century, with dramatic rock formations and good views. Mount Buangor is 989 metres above sea level. The Mount Cole State Forest adjoins the park’s north-east boundary. South of Buangor there is the Challicum Hills wind farm (2003) with 35 power turbines.

Buangor has a hotel, a school (29 pupils, 2014), a church, a hall and a recreation reserve. Its census populations have been