Saturday Premierships Winners

The following is a list of Saturday premierships won over the years:

Winter 2009 Junior Mixed Section 11
Brodie Grimme, Max Hamlin, Brayden Cartwright, Hugo Hamlin

Summer 2008-09 Senior Mixed Doubles Section 7
Melanie De Lange, Jenny McGuiness, Nick Green, Trevor Atkins

Summer 2007-08 Junior Mixed Section 10
Jessica McGuiness, Meagan Korevaar, Alicia Coventry, Zac Davis-Arthur

Summer 2007-08 Senior Mixed Doubles Section 8
Melanie De Lange, Sarah Hill, Jo Wheeler, David Atkins, Trevor Atkins, Nick Green, Michael Wheeler

Summer 2007-08 Senior Mixed Singles Section 5
Chris Atkins, Shane Dale, Luke Dale

Summer 2006-07 Junior Mixed Section 12
Nathan Castles, Rochelle Santvoort, Amy Ryan, Jessica McGuiness

Summer 2005-06 Junior Mixed Section 8
Sarah Hill, Nick Green, Jarryd Korevaar, David Atkins

Summer 2005-06 Junior Mixed Section 19
Amy Ryan, Rochelle Santvoort, Jessica McGuiness, Meagan Korevaar, Rebecca Blackney

Summer 2005-06 Junior Mixed Section 22
Nathan Castles, Ashley Parr, Mitchell McLeod, Nathan Blanchard

Summer 2005-06 Junior Mixed Section 23
Kaitlyn Richards, India Clifford, Steven Scott, Kelly Cave

Winter 2005 Junior Mixed Section 11
Nick Green, Beau Monty, Justin Bourke, David Atkins

Summer 2004-05 Junior Mixed Section 12
David Atkins, Nick Green, Beau Monty, Jarryd Korevaar

Winter 2000 Juniors Section 12
Ross Leerentveld, Kevin Toohey, Clay Parsons, David Lawrence

Winter 2000 Juniors Section 6
Michael Haddad, James Bellamy, Matthew Bell, Jessica Smith

Winter 1999 Juniors Section 18
Shane Ainsworth, Amy Williams, Denke Nord-D’Alton

Summer 1998-99 Juniors Section 12
Team Unknown

Summer 1998-99 Juniors Section 16
Kevin Toohey, Tate Laugher, Amy Williams

Winter 1998 Mixed Doubles Section 6
Linda Dyall, Lorraine Hannah, Pauline McMaster, Brad Lewry, Howard Wilson

Winter 1998 Juniors Section 15
Shane Kidgell, Asher Day, Adam Kidgell

Winter 1998 Junior Mixed Section 1
Brad Lewry, Shannon Johnson, Jason Bailey, Aaron Gallagher,

Summer 1997-98 Mixed Doubles Section 12
Linda Dyall, Dana Bruce, Pauline McMaster, Howard Wilson, Shannon Johnson

Summer 1997 Midweek Ladies Section 12
D Bruce, J Sonneveld, H Matulis, K Carey, P McMaster

Winter 1997 Juniors Section 4
Jason Bailey, Cameron Forrester, Rueben Day

Summer 1996-97 Mixed Doubles Section 8
Linda Dyall, Bruce Forrestor, Madeleine Haddad, Howard Wilson, Bill Allen

Summer 1996-97 Juniors Section 4
Brad Lewry, Jason Bailey, Shannon Johnson

Summer 1996-97 Juniors Section 7
Ajay Lachmund, Reuben Day, Cameron Forrestor

Summer 1996 Midweek Ladies Section 2
D Bruce, J Sonneveld, H Matulis, J Brown, P McMaster, T White, K Carey

Winter 1996 Mixed Doubles Section 13
G Davey, S McMaster, C Davey, P McMaster, D Brown, M Haddad

Winter 1996 Mixed Doubles Section 9
D Bruce, L Hannah, F Gogoll, B Allen, B Forrestor

Winter 1996 Mens Singles Section 3
T Hutchison, G Pretty, H Wilson

Winter 1996 Juniors Section 11
Lauren Cummings, Jason Bailey, Cameron Forrestor

Summer 1995-96 Mens Doubles Section 3
H Wilson, F Gogoll, B Roberts, T Hutchison, S Minty

Summer 1995-96 Juniors Section 11
Reuben Day, Shannon Johnson, Ajay Lachmund

Summer 1995-96 Juniors Section 14
Adam Cooke, Michelle Dyall, Jason Bailey, Daniel Metcalf

Winter 1995 Juniors Section 13
C Evans, S Johnson, R Day, A Lachmund

Winter 1995 Mixed Doubles, Section 9
B Roberts, L Hannah, L Dyall, G Pretty, B Forestor, P McMaster

Summer 1993-94 Juniors Section 8
S Hutchison, K Davey, P Darling

Winter 1993 Juniors Section 13
S Swain, J Gay, H Matulis, K Carey, M Longman

Summer 1992-93 Mixed Doubles Section 4
J Scoble, S McDonald, N Thornell, J Smith, F Young

Summer 1992 Midweek Ladies Section 7
M Allen, B Danger, H Manning, H Parker, A Gogoll, L Alchin

Winter 1992 Juniors Section 5
Ross Parker, Ben Owens, Tim Huthison, Mark Scoble

Summer 1991-92 Juniors Section 8
Ben Owens, Ross Parker, Tim Hutchison, Ken Gartlan

Summer 1991 Midweek Ladies Section 7
C Garsten, C Davey, K Scoble, M Roberts

Winter 1991 Midweek Ladies Section 8
L Dyall, B Danger, M Allen A Gogoll, M Langman

Winter 1991 Juniors Section 11
Ross Parker, Ben Owens, Ben Halton, Chris Carbone, Andrew Immel

Winter 1991 Mixed Doubles Section 3
James Scoble, Scott McDonald, Drew Adams, Faye Young, Meredith Roberts, Noelene Thornell

Winter 1991 Midweek Ladies Section 16
J Growney, J Gay, J Jose, K Green, J Barnetts

Summer 1990 Juniors Section 11
Ben Halton, Tim Hutchinson, Andrew Immel, Andrew Juniper, Troy Scoble

Summer 1990 Midweek Ladies, Section 10
C Gartsin, R Fox, M Langman, K Scoble, J Baxter, D Adams

Winter 1990 Juniors Section 15
M Allen, L Alchin, F Studham, J Growney, J Jose, H Parker

Winter 1990 Midweek Ladies, Section 8
M Roberts, R Gaylor, C Davey, K Scoble, M Langman

Summer 1988-89 Junior Mixed Section 4
Wayne Ficnerski, Simon Bailey, Chris Tatham

Summer 1988-89 Ladies Singles Section 1
J Atkins, S Scoble

Summer 1987-88 Mens Doubles Section 6
C Scoble, C Huxtable, L Sheales, G Nanscawen, S Hope

Summer 1987-88 Ladies Doubles Section 1
J Atkins, S Scobie, D Adams, A Stewart, S Nicholson,

Winter 1987 Midweek Ladies Section 11
K Scoble, J McCormick, P Copeland, C Garstin

Winter 1987 Junior Doubles Section 5
K McRobb, M Ficnerski, S Bailey, B Bleakley, S Gaylor

Summer 1986-87 Mixed Doubles, Section 27
I Bland, J Bland, F Temple, J Temple

Summer 1986 Midweek Ladies, Section 7
V Trotter, P Pratt, S Nicholson, L Horton, K Scoble

Summer 1985-86 Mixed Doubles, Section 23
L Sheales, G Nanscawen, M McKenzie, A Gogoll

Winter 1985 Mixed Doubles, Section 10
G Fuller, T Atkins, J Atkins, A Gogoll

Winter 1985 Ladies Singles, Section 2
Karen Rowlands, Linda Hibbert

Winter 1984 Midweek Ladies, Section 13
M Elmore, R Fox, H Landy, M Langman, S Scoble

Summer 1984 Midweek Ladies, Section 19
D Munroe, D Williams, P Ridout, R McNamee

Winter 1984 Junior Singles, Section 9
P Mills, C Clarke, S Forward, C Froanes

Summer 1983-84 Mixed Doubles, Section 16
M Young, P Machin,  S Kimberley, A White, K Scoble

Winter 1983 Junior Singles, Section 9
P Elmore, P Mills, J Farnsworth, D Gruber