Mid-Week Ladies

The Berwick Mid Week Ladies currently have teams playing in Waverley Tennis (WDTA) and West Gippsland Tennis (WGTA). Teams cover a wide range of standards, so any lady wishing to participate can be accommodated.

Teams competing in the WGTA play on a Tuesday and with 1 season each year commencing in February through to November. Each team consists of four players and six 8 game doubles sets are played.

Teams competing in WDTA play on Thursday with two seasons each year commencing in February and July. Each team consists of four players and six 8 game doubles sets are played.

New players or enquiries are most welcome to contact the Mid Week Ladies coordinator, Vanessa, on 0414 449 673.

Dandenong Districts Competition
Website: Not currently available

Waverley Tennis Competition
Website:  www.waverleytennis.asn.au
Club Zone: www.waverleytennis.asn.au/club-zone.html
By-laws:  www.waverleytennis.asn.au/waverley-by-laws.html

West Gippsland Tennis Association