Monday Night Sloggers (Training hit for members)

Monday Night Sloggers is an informal training hit aimed at ANYONE who wants to improve their tennis game.  The aim is to play a mix of doubles and singles on any given night, where you can stay and play for as long as you like.  The hit is open to all members of the BTC.  Non-members wishing to participate will have a two hit grace period before being expected to purchase membership for the club.


When: Monday Evenings.  

Session Dates: 30/09/2024 to 31/03/2025

Time: 7pm until dark

Where: Beechworth Tennis Club.  Baarmutha Sporting Complex.

Cost: Free.  Second-hand balls provided.


If you would like to purchase your membership now, click the link below.


Clubspark / Beechworth Tennis Club / Membership / Packages


For more information contact Mick Cavallin on 0428 888 207 or Ben Croome on 0488 648 882.