Social Tennis

We have social tennis regularly throughout the week and members & visitors at all levels of tennis are welcome & can join in at any time.

Just a little reminder to please not attend a social tennis session if you are unwell and we also prefer to tap racquets instead of shake hands at the end of each set - lets do our best to keep our fellow players safe & well!


Thursday Morning Social Tennis:

When: 9.00am until 11.30am (includes morning tea)

Cost: Members are free & only $10 for visitors

What to Bring: water bottle & tennis racquet

Sets Organiser: George


Weekend Social Tennis: 

Each week we make a decision on when social tennis will be help dependent on the weather & tennis court availability.  During the warmer months social tennis is normally played on Saturday mornings, during the cooler & wetter months social tennis alternates between Saturday & Sunday.

We send out an email each week to let our members & visitors know when we are playing, please feel free to send us an email to be added to our mailing list -