Balnarring Tennis Club offers a range of club merchandise with an embroidered club logo in both adult and childrens sizes..
Please click on the tabs above to view the range, sizes and prices.
We currently offer:
Polo tops
Hoodie 1 (traditional Style)
We encourage all junior players to wear a club shirt and a hat on hot days.
A limited range of sizes is held in stock for immediate delivery and out-of-stock sizes can be ordered from the suppliers for confirmed orders.
Please send your uniform order and your mobile number to the club email address, balnarringtc@gmail.com, Attention: Anne Marie
Payment in full is required at time of ordering.
Balnarring Tennis Club
BSB 633000
A/c 134 110 808
Players will be contacted when their order arrives to make arrangements for items to be collected from the clubhouse.
For all uniform/order enquiries, please contact club Secretary
Anne Marie Sowinska on 0407300455 or at balnarringtc@gmail.com