Club Management 2025

The club is managed by a committee of up to twelve members, elected at the Annual General Meeting in February each year, and is headed by four office bearers.

President  –   Graham Keam

Vice President   –   Mikko Helle

Secretary   –  Niall Ridge

Treasurer –  Colin Webster

Committee    –      Peter Morris, Paul Partrige, Wayne Rose, Jill Sloan, Ted Reid, Catherine Wills and Stephen Gort (coach and non voting member)

The committee normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.00 pm, and any member is welcome to attend as an observer.

The club employs a part time groundsman/part time cleaner, as well as a coaching professional by contract.

The club operates under a constitution ratified by the New South Wales Incorporation Act of 2009.

The club has an alcohol and smoking management policy in line with the Good Sports program run by the Australian Drug & Alcohol Foundation. The policy can be viewed here: Alcohol & Smoking Policy