For the 2022/23 year fees are as follows
- Adults - $110.00
- Juniors - $60.00 - Saturday Morning Competition
- Junior Student - $80.00 - Saturday Afternoon Competition
- Family - $250.00
- Social memberships are $25 a single of $50 a family.
Fees can be paid by Direct Debit to – Avenel Tennis Club – 06 3545 10154585
Social tennis is a great way to meet new people, get some exercise and improve your skills, so why not get a group of friends together and make it a weekly event. Social tennis is available throughout the week and allows you to play at your convenience. You could make it an evening challenge or a bit of fun to start your day. Those who have paid a Social membership are welcome to play at any time. You can also obtain a court key for $25.00 with $20 being refunded on return of the key. Please contact the club for more information.
Court Hire
- $10 p/hour