Aldgate Tennis Club Welcome to the Aldgate Tennis Club website.

Tennis Season 2024-25


Junior Awards Presentation - 11.00 am, Sunday March 30th

Aldgate Tennis Club will proudly be holding the Junior Awards Presentation for the best players over the season and also for the Best and Fairest as selected by the players in each junior team.  Awards will be presented by Club Life Members.


Season Dates for the New Year.

To play as a junior or senior, players need to have activated a Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) before competition starts - See Competitive Player Profile below.

Junior training  - Tuesdays 5-6 pm, Division 1 and 3 Boys; Wednesdays 3.30 - 4.15 pm for Orange Ball and then 4.15 -5.15 pm for Division 2 Girls and Division 4 and 5 Boys.  Contact Will Andriopolis on 403 711 744 for further information or if unable to attend.

To nominate/register

Click on Memberships in the task bar, and then scroll down to find the relevant membership for you.  Registering for the first time means that you will be asked to record your details before payment.

Court booking

For members, the booking is free, and for non-members there is a booking fee of $10 for 60 minutes.  When a booking is made , you will receive a 9-digit PIN code, which you then use on the lock to access the courts.  PLEASE lock the gate when you are on the courts and then use the code to leave.

For parents of junior players who want to book a court, please follow the instructions provided here 

If you are not a regular member of the club and just want to use the courts at your leisure, then please consider becoming a social member via the membership page on the club website.

Competitive Player Profile

If you are intending to play competitive tennis  as a senior or junior, all players who play in competitive leagues in Australia are required to have a Competitive Player Profile. 

You will be required to activate your  UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) rating, or activate one for your child, and link it with a  Matchcentre Tennis ID if you wish to play competition tennis this summer.

Step 1 - Register with Matchcentre 

Create an account with Tennis by selecting ‘REGISTER’ at the login screen and then select by ‘REGISTER HERE’ at the bottom of the following screen.  For players under 15 years of age, the same family email address may be used as required. Please note: A unique email address is required to activate your Universal Tennis account including for players aged under 15.

Complete the form and select ‘NEXT’, followed by ‘CREATE ACCOUNT‘

Once the account has been created, a verification email will be sent to your email address.  Players can then create a UTR account (or link their accounts) as follows:  Login to Match Centre with the newly created or existing tennis account and select the ‘ACTIVATE UTR RATING’ button located below your player profile. Note: If your player rating is displayed and/or the button the shows “Universal Tennis Profile” you have already completed the activation process

Step 2 - Activating your UTR Rating




Weekly Events

Tuesday Night Tennis Competition

A mixture of social and more serious players compete in teams against each other in a round robin competition.  Contact Peter (0423 323 203)  if you are interested in joining in on what is a very enjoyable evening of tennis.

Senior Training

Seniors meet on Thursday evening 7 pm onwards to practise for competition on Saturdays. All seniors, however, are welcome to come along.



0421 323 203.




How to find us

Aldgate Tennis Club
Aldgate Sports & Recreation Club
Kemp Rd
South Australia

Get directions