
Peter thanked all those in attendance and commented it was a special day as it was his last AGM as President. He’d received great support from wife Irene as well as hard working committee members over the past 27 years, some of who are in attendance today. He has been on the committee with past presidents, Kevin O’Connor, Peter Gough, Ivo Dean, Alan Attwood and Matt Boland. Each, in their own way had contributed to the success of the club. He thanked the committee for the work they’d done over the year.

Peter mentioned that at times it has been trying, in particular dealing with Tennis Victoria and implementing the guidelines, policies and protocols in an attempt to minimise the impact of Covid.

Peter gave special thanks to our club coach, Nicole Bruce-Smith for her continued support of the junior coaching on Saturday mornings as well as the running of the Junior Club Competition. The competition was a great success with over 70 entrants.

The club provided a little gift pack for each entrant.

Peter spoke with our previous club coach, Norm Cahill during the week and was reminded he had coached Nicole before she took over from him. Norm who is now 90 years old, has been inducted in the Spirit Legends Hall of Fame alongside Frank Sedgman and other greats.

Peter announced with pleasure that the committee had unanimously supported the nomination of Michael Fisher as a Life Member. He had a handful of notes listing why he was nominated but did not read them out. He pointed out that regular visitors to the club were aware of the work that Michael undertook, on the committee, as assistant Treasurer, caterer and in so many other areas that went above and beyond what was expected. Michael was at the club most days doing jobs or running errands to purchase equipment for the club. Peter asked members for a show of hands to support the nomination. It was accepted unanimously.

Peter finished by saying thanks to the members who had supported him over the years but it was now time to move on and have a fresh face as President.