Tennis Coaching

Head Coach

Nicole Bruce-Smith

Tennis Australia Qualified Tennis Coach.

For more information on our Coaching Programs, contact Nicole on 0403 610 547 or 


How long have you been coaching at APLTC?
I have been coaching at the club for 26 years. At a guess l have coached over 3000 people here.

What nights do you offer junior coaching?

  • Monday 3.30pm - 7pm
  • Tuesday 3.30pm - 5.45pm
  • Wednesday 3.30pm - 5.30pm
  • Thursday 3.30pm - 8.30pm
  • Friday 3.30pm - 7.00pm.  

And then there’s an hour of private coaching later.

How many in each lesson?
There are between four and eight students in the After-School Term Coaching Group while private lessons have one or two in a lesson.

I also run week-long holiday programs which are very popular. Usually, it’s the younger players in the morning and then the older kids in the afternoon. We finish the week with a competition and a party.

What happens at the Saturday morning coaching sessions?
On Saturday I start at 8 am and go through with classes to noon. Anyone can join in. It is a turn-up and play arrangement and you don’t have to commit to each week. The club subsidises it so it’s only $6 a session.

  • 8.00am - 9.00am: Total Beginners 
  • 9.00am - 10.00am: High Beginners
  • 10am -11.00am: Intermediate
  • 11am -12noon: Advanced

Is there a “right” age to begin lessons?
When the child is able to take instructions and concentrate for a full lesson.

Are you available to coach “senior” players?
Happy to. Just contact me for availability.

Oldest player you’ve coached?

Anything else?
I’m a Tennis Australia Qualified Tennis Coach and each year I organise the Junior Club Championships during Term 4 over the Melbourne Cup long weekend. On average there are normally 100 entries. It’s a lot of fun.