
Ainslie Tennis Club Newsletter - Winter 2023

Ainslie Tennis Club Newsletter – Winter Edition 2023


Dear Ainslie Tennis Club Members,

EOFY is rapidly approaching, and we need your help!

As a local community club, we rely on the support of our members to ensure that we can continue to provide quality facilities for everyone’s ongoing enjoyment. There are two ways you can help Ainslie Tennis Club: by making a tax-deductible donation or by volunteering your time. Below are the different ways you can help make your tennis club thrive:

Firstly, we are excited to announce that the Club intends to install new lights on court 1, replace ageing court 3, enhancing the clubhouse, and improving disability access. Any contribution large or small will go a long way to getting these projects up and running. You can make a tax-deductible donation towards these projects here:

Ainslie Tennis Club - Australian Sports Foundation (

Secondly, Bunnings (at Canberra Airport) has given us two BBQ slots on Sunday 6 August and Saturday 16 September. We are looking for members to help organise and/or work at one or both BBQs. If you can help, please contact Mary at:

Thirdly, we are looking for members to join our subcommittee to contribute to the planning and delivery of our key strategic assets. These include the new lights for court 1, replacement of court 3, building a deck, and making the clubhouse and courts wheelchair accessible. No expertise is required, but we would particularly welcome anyone with construction or project management experience. If you can help, please contact Roger at:

Lastly, Mary our Assets Manager, who also leads our fund-raising subcommittee, would welcome members with great ideas and lots of enthusiasm to join with us as we look for innovative ways to raise much needed funds. All funds raised are put towards big and small projects such as the replacement of court 3 or buying new nets. If you want more details about what is involved with being on the subcommittee, please contact Mary at:

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Ainslie Tennis Club.

Best regards,

The Ainslie Tennis Club Committee.