COVID Safety Plan

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Members are reminded that we are still in the middle of the Coronavirus Pandemic and each of us has responsibility to ensure we minimise the risk of catching and spreading the virus.

The club has developed a COVID safety plan the key components are as follows:

As at January 2021

Risk COVID Precautions  
If you are not feeling well   Do not attend the courts until you have had a negative COVID test
If you are self-isolating Do not attend the courts until you are cleared.  
COVID Tracing Every person who comes on site MUST sign the register at the back door before going on courts. This includes players, parent & anyone being coached. This is a legal requirement.
Personal Hygiene Wash hands before leaving for the courts At courts wash or sanitise hands before and after playing. Acknowledge each other through “saluting” or touching racquets (no hand shakes) Use sanitiser to wipe broom handles and after bagging courts.Wash your hands after using the toilet. Wash your hands after using a tissue or a handkerchief. Wipe perspiration on own towel rather than dripping on court. Do not spit, if needing to clear your throat, cough or sneeze use a tissue or handkerchief  
Social Distancing Keep your distance when changing ends and at the end of play.Use face masks when socially distancing is not possible  
Clubhouse Closed – except for toilet use and YTC sanctioned events where COVID cleaning is part of the event. (1 per 4 sq metre rule applies).  
Entry to courts Side gate only is used. Once unlocked please fully open the gate to prevent unnecessary touching
Exiting after play All players and coaching clients are requested to minimise their time at the courts and leave immediately after playing. Club facilities are not available for socialising after playing  
Permitted players Only current financial members are allowed on site except for one parent accompanying a junior member. Non-member Coaching clients may only be on site for the period of their lesson (One parent per junior player). No non players (spectators) allowed on site except for supervising parent, YTC sanctioned events – player enrolled to play in various competitions.