Play Tennis
Social Tennis Sessions.
The Club runs a weekly schedule of social tennis sessions. Some of these sessions are open to players of all grades (Open sessions), while others are restricted to players who have reached a particular grade. New members and visitors should attend Open sessions until they have been assigned a grade by the Committee. Once graded, you will find the grade to which you have been assigned on the Player Gradings list displayed on the noticeboard outside the clubhouse. Player gradings are updated annually.
Click here to see the weekly schedule of social tennis sessions.
Click here to read about the Club’s grading policy.
Members wishing to attend any of these social tennis sessions should contact the Treasurer for a name tag which is used for the draws at the social tennis sessions.
Visitors are most welcome to join in the regular weekly social tennis sessions for a fee of $10 per session (including complimentary tea/coffee).
For those intending to stay for more than a month and play often, the purchase of a Casual Monthly Membership for $50 a month allows the holder to participate in the social tennis sessions without paying the normal Visitor’s fee.
Private Play.
Members are entitled to use the courts for private play at no cost (subject to availability). Members may invite guests to join them for private play, with guest's fees of $10 per hour (no charge for primary school age children).
Court bookings are made via our website using Tennis Australia's online court booking software "Book A Court". This allows keyless access to our courts using a PIN code.
Visitors are also able to hire the courts using Book A Court.
Members should not use the courts for private play unless they have made a booking with Book A Court, so that we have a record of all attendees at the Club at all times, and to ensure that there are no clashes with visitor bookings.
Members are responsible for paying their guest's fees at the time of booking through Book A Court.
Members who wish to have access to the toilets may obtain a key from the Treasurer for a deposit of $50 (refundable with return of key upon ceasing membership). Clubhouse keys are restricted to Committee members and other members with special duties.
Ball Machine.
There is a ball machine available for members to hire at a cost of $10 per hour.
Members wishing to use the ball machine need to contact the Ball Machine Supervisor to arrange a mutually convenient time to be shown how to use the ball machine.
Click here for the contact details of the Ball Machine Supervisors.