Booking System & Access Frequently Asked Questions (Updated 05/09/2023)

How Soon After Booking Can I Access My Court

  • It can take up to 30 minutes from the time you book until your access PIN code is activated.
  • If you want to simply go for a hit,  please book your court before you leave home.
  • If you have not allowed 30 minutes, you might not be able to get into the courts - so please don't call us to ask why!

Why Do I Have To Pay For Lights

  • Lights will automatically turn on when it is too dark to play without them. 
  • You will be asked to pay for lights at the time you book your court, with the payable time adjusted seasonally.

Why Can't I Log Into My Account

  • You need to have registered an account in order to sign in.
  • After you enter your email address, there is a 'forgotten password' link, if needed.
  • Your password is case sensitive (and the system is also sensitive to having a space after it or after your email address). Check 'caps lock' is on or off, according to how you registered your account.
  • If you are a paid up Club member and are being asked to pay for a court during daylight hours, contact us for help in resolving the issue.

A Parent Is Unable To Make A Booking For A Junior Member

  • Only the Primary Contact for a Junior member can book a court, even if both parents have a account.
  • Contact us if you would like to change the Primary Contact assigned to a Junior member (note that it is not possible to have more than one primary contact).

The Courts Lights Didn't Come On But I Could Get Onto The Courts After Entering My PIN Code

  • If there is event on at the same time as your booking, the court gates will be open whether your PIN code is entered correctly or not.
  • If your PIN code is accepted there will be two short beeps from the keypad. If it is incorrect then then will be a single long beep from the keypad.  The lights will not come on if your PIN code is not accepted even if the gates are open!

I am an existing member but don't have access to the Clubhouse

  • Contact us to request a FOB to access the Clubhouse.
  • We have a membership package to issue you a FOB.  This is only accessible "by invitation".  We will add you to this package and then send you an invitation to pay for it.
  • Once you have paid for the package, we will arrange to issue you the FOB. 
  • Your FOB will remain active without additional cost provided you continue to renew your membership even though the package is set for a 12 month period.  No renewal is to be offered. 

A person is registered in Club Spark but is not listed under our club's Contacts

  • A person's account is automatically added to the list of the club's contacts when the account is used to purchase a package/membership or gets to the final stage of booking a court as a guest (must have read the terms and conditions and viewed the page prior to making payment).