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Adult date of purchase Membership

12 months membership

Adult date of purchase membership

Eligibility: Members of a couple with no children under 18 years of age are regarded as individuals.

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Family date of purchase membership

12 months membership

Family date of purchase membership

Eligibility: A family must include one parent and at least one child under 18 years of age.

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Junior date of purchase membership

12 months membership

Junior date of purchase membership

Eligibility: Junior membership is available to those those under 18 years of age.

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Pensioner Adult date of purchase membership

12 months membership


Eligibility: Pensioners

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Pensioner date of purchase Membership

12 months membership

Pensioner date of purchase membership

Eligibility: A pensioner is a person who holdsa current Government Concession Card number and does not include health concession card. The member must producee the card if requested by a member of the Executive

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Pensioner family date of purchase membership

12 months membership

Pensioner family date of purchase membership

Eligibility: Adult must hold a Commonwealth Concession Card and produce that card if requested.

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Youth date of purchase membership (18-25 yos)

12 months membership

12 month date of purchase Membership for Youths aged between 18 and 25 years old

Eligibility: Youths between the ages of 18 and 25

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