Come and have a hit today! Paramount Tennis Club Dubbo

Court hire, coaching, competitive and social tennis available!

The Paramount Tennis Club offers court hire 365 days a year, social and competitive tennis and coaching (group and individual), at a first-class facility and in family friendly environment.  

We look forward to seeing you on court soon! 

Book a court now! 

Whether you are a member or visitor to the club, we have courts available for you to hire. Simply Book A Court online and you will receive a pin code to use at the entry gate and simple instructions to follow. If you have made a booking that requires lights, they will turn on when you use your pin code.

If you are likely to be a regular social player, becoming a member of the club offers you free court hire (small fee for lights) which offers by far the best value. Visit our membership page for further information.

About the Paramount Tennis Club

Paramount Tennis Club was formed in 1923 with five courts at Bultje St, Dubbo and in 2004 extended to Wingewarra St, Dubbo with another 12 courts. In 2023, the club celebrated its Centenary with a long lunch held on the courts at club, with John Alexander OAM the guest of honour.

Located in the centre of Dubbo, adjoining Victoria Park, we hold night competitions during the year commencing at the start of each school term which cater for players of all abilities.

We hold our Club Championships (members only) annually and other tournaments for members and non-members throughout the year, as well as number of junior tournaments. We also cater for the more socially minded tennis player with group activites on Tuesdays and court hire available 365 days a year.

Our coaching is Dubbo Tennis Academy, headed by Brad Williams and  his team are at the courts every day and cater for adults, juniors and Pee Wees.

The club is thankful of the support from the Dubbo Regional Council, the NSW Government and Australian Government, TennisNSW and its members and social players, in helping produce this state of the art facility for the Dubbo and Central West community.

How to find us

Paramount Tennis Club Dubbo
74 Wingewarra Street
New South Wales

Get directions