




Tennis is a sport that caters for a broad cross-section of the community and is enjoyed by all ages and abilities.

At Officer Tennis Club we pride ourselves on welcoming participation from diverse groups across the Shire. Our club encourages participation by everyone in the community.

It is essential the club has the financial resources to develop and maintain high quality facilities that can attract and retain participants into the sport of tennis.

Officer Tennis Club needs to be able to accommodate the growth in participation at the club and projected population growth in Officer. It must meet the needs of our growing community now and into the future.

WE CAN’T DO IT ON OUR OWN – we need sponsors like you!

You can view the Officer Tennis Club Sponsorship Prospectus here

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please contact club Sponsorship and Marketing Officer - Michelle Pitcher by email: michelle@officertennisclub.com.au


Our Main Sponsor and Legal Partner



Our Silver Sponsor



Our Current Court Sponsors


Our Current Partners


Sponsor Spotlight - Barry Plant Real Estate