How to Renew Your Oakleigh Tennis Club Membership

  1. Login to your account on Oakleigh Tennis Club.
  2. Go to your profile which you can find top right under the drop down arrow next to your name. Or you can find it here
  3. Scroll down and click the RENEW button
  4. On the Review & pay page, tick Other payment, then click Confirm
  5. On the Thank you for your purchase page, you will see confirmation of your order. 
  6. An email confirmation will be sent to you. Also, please download your summary for your records. 
  7. Pay the money you owe into the Oakleigh Tennis Club bank account BSB 633 000 Account number 164 845 927 
  8. For smartphone users familiar with PAYID, Oakleigh Tennis Club's PAYID is our ABN which is 62983228103 
  9. Please use the package number next to the # followed by your name as a reference. For example, if your name is John Smith and you chose the #2 Adult (18+) Membership package, the bank reference you would provide would be 2 John Smith. If you have the 70+/Pensioner package, it would be 5 John Smith etc
  10. Please note that some packages require proof of eligibility. This is only a requirement if you are joining for the first time or have a student or junior membership. 
  11. If you don't see the RENEW button on your Profile page, it could mean you are on an extended membership package for joining late in the year. Your membership status is available on your Profile page.

PLEASE NOTE: - You can also renew your membership by logging in, going to the Membership page, selecting your category, and clicking JOIN. You can then follow the instructions from number 4 above onwards. That will also get you there.