
Please select the suitable membership package from the list below - payment is instantaneous and will allow you to access the courts once approved.

**For student/adult concession members, please provide a copy of your credentials when requested. Please only purchase this membership if you carry a valid student or concession card.

For any issues with joining, membership renewal or payment please email


2025 Adult

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Membership is $200 for the calendar year.

Eligibility: Those adults wishing to join the Club. Completing the membership application and paying the $200 will submit your application for approval by the MacLeod Tennis Club Committee.

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2025 Family

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Membership is $400 for the calendar year.

Eligibility: Two adults and their dependent children under the age of 18 years old. . Completing the membership application and paying the $400 will submit your application for approval by the MacLeod Tennis Club Committee.

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2025 Junior

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Membership is $160 for the calendar year.

Eligibility: Child under the age of 18.

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2025 Senior concession

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Membership is $160 for the calendar year.

Eligibility: Must have a valid Seniors Card. . Completing the membership application and paying the $160 will submit your application for approval by the MacLeod Tennis Club Committee.

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2025 Student

01/01/2025- 31/12/2025

Membership is $160 for the calendar year.

Eligibility: Available to full time students on the production of a current Student Card. . Completing the membership application and paying the $160 will submit your application for approval by the MacLeod Tennis Club Committee.

Join now