
Memberships coincide with each financial year. 

You will be notified of pending membership via email and you can pay on line below ( preferred )


or pay your court coordinator using cash (as previously) or

pay by Bank Transfer(only available to Membership Renewal ): details  as follows

Name :Lake Cathie Tennis Club;  BSB: 062 648   ;  Account 900799 ( Please put your full name in the reference box)


2024-2025 Concession - under 18 & over 80

01/05/2024 - 01/07/2025

2024-2025Concession - under 18 & over 80

Eligibility: Concession rate for juniors under 18 & seniors over 80

Join now

2024-2025 Family

01/05/2024 - 01/07/2025

2024-2025 Family

Eligibility: 2 parents and 2 children under the age of 18 max.

Join now

2024-2025Adult Single Member

01/05/2024 - 30/06/2025

Adult over 18

Eligibility: Any adult who has paid

Join now