
Welcome to 2021 @ Holy Saviour Tennis Club

Dear Holy Saviour Tennis Club Members,


I am writing to you today to introduce myself as the new President of Holy Saviour Tennis Club. I have been a member for over 20 years and have a strong passion and loyalty to the club.  During my time as president, I hope to build the club to its full potential, including expanding our membership list, re-introducing a junior program, facilitate social events as well as ensure that I am working along side all our members to have an active say in our club.


It is my great pleasure to introduce the new HSTC committee for 2021:


Executive Committee

Marcus Andrews                   President

Will Jenkins                            Vice President

Akshat Rajawat                      Secretary

Rob Danby                             Treasurer


General Committee 

Andrew Bates

Rosemarie Lawrenson

Bernadette Savage

Jeanette Dorigo

Carmel Grossek

Phil Andrews


I’d like to take this time to thank the previous committee members for their hard work and dedication to the club, it has been appreciated by all and I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone in my thanks. 


As president, I aim to be as open and adaptive as possible. I believe in an “open door” policy, which means I welcome, and encourage all members to reach out with any questions, concerns or comments they may have, whether good or bad, so we can all work together to ensure our club remains the great club we know it to be. 


To grow as a club in this day and age, I believe it is crucial to have a strong online presence. This means the club will use the website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts to keep members up to date with the latest information about the club along side our already in use email communication. There will be social events, working bees and general information posted to aid in building a community around the Holy Saviour Tennis Club. If you haven’t done so already, please head onto these pages and give them a follow. 


There have been a few changes made around the club to enhance our COVID safety. Hand sanitiser has been positioned near the gates to the courts, QR codes placed around the club to check in for contact tracing, antibacterial wipes and spray are available inside the clubrooms and are to please be used on tables and high touch areas when the clubhouse has been used. This is crucial in order to ensure our courts remain open. 


This is a club that is open to everyone, and I want to show the local community that. If anyone has any family or friends that are interested in either starting or continuing to play tennis, please encourage them to join up. We are excited to welcome new members young and old. 


I’m sure I’ll see you around the club at some point and please don’t hesitate to say hi or get in contact with me. 


I look forward to working along side you all in what should be a great 2021. Stay safe. 


Kind Regards, 


Marcus Andrews

HSTC President 

0434 278 312