

CONTACT:  Darren Kittelty on 0420 430 874



New Members are always welcome. As a member you will be able to book a tennis court online day or night.

So whether you are interested in social or competitive tennis or simply would like to book the courts to play with your family, we have a membership package suitable for you.

Download the CPTC MEMBERSHIP KIT and following the instructions to pay via EFT.

Alternatively you can purchase your New Membership Online using the links in the Memberships section at the bottom of this page.



If your contact details have changed or you are looking for alternative payment options to online via credit card then Download CPTC MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE



The following table details the different types of membership available at Centenary Park, along with the full year fee as well as the pro-rata fee if you join part way through the financial year. The club’s membership year operates on a financial year basis, and runs from the 1st July to the 30th June the following year.


Member Type Full Year 1st Oct 1st Jan 1st Mar
Family $400 $315 $220 $140
Senior $185 $155 $120 $80
Concession $150 $120 $90 $60
Junior $110 $90 $65 $45


Explanation of the categories and pro-rata fees are as follows

  • FAMILY membership consists of 2 adults and all children up to and including 17 years old as at the 1st of July of the current membership year.
  • SENIOR membership is anyone 18 years old and over.
  • CONCESSION membership is for anyone with a current concession or full time student card.
  • JUNIOR membership is anyone aged between 6 and 17 as at 1stJuly of the current membership year.
  • TENNIS VICTORIA ACCIDENT INSURANCE is payable by all playing members, and is included in your membership fees.
  • PRO RATA FEES apply to people who join the club during the membership year. (See Table Above)
  • GATE CODE All new members will receive a Book-A-Court login, which will allow members to book courts online at any time of day or night for FREE (with the lights coming on automatically after dark). The gate code will be sent to members via email and SMS after each booking.


2024/2025 Family

01/07/2024 - 30/06/2025

PRO-RATA RATE. The 2024/2025 Family Membership entitles 2 Adults & 4 Children (up to & including 17 year old) to court hire at any time of day or night, player accident insurance, competition, club champs & discount events.

Join now

2024/2025 Individual

01/07/2024 - 30/06/2025

PRO-RATA RATE. The 2024/2025 Individual Membership entitles adult members to court hire at any time of day or night, player accident insurance, competition, club championships & discount member events.

Join now

2024/2025 Junior

01/07/2024 - 30/06/2025

The 2024/2025 Junior Membership entitles junior members to court hire at any time of day or night, player accident insurance, competition, club championships & discount member events.

Join now

2024/25 Concession

01/07/2024 - 30/06/2025

PRO-RATA RATE. The 2024/2025 Concession Membership entitles anyone with a current concession or full time student card to court hire day or night, player accident insurance, competition, club champs & discount member events.

Join now