Court Online Booking
Tennis Courts are available for hire online on an hourly basis.
Day Hire
Non-members: $10/hr
Members: $7.50/hr
Night Hire (includes lights)
Non-members: $15/hr
Members: $10/hr
*Members must register using the same email address as per their contact details provided on the membership form.
Booking Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm. Please be completed and left the courts by 9pm.
Once you have registered and booked the court online, the code for gate access and lights are texted to you. Enter the code into the padlock on the gate.
NIGHT HIRE: Enter the code followed by # into the keypad located on the external clubhouse wall. The lights will automatically switch off after the last booking.
For day hire bookings, please disregard the light booking code.
Any questions or issues text or call Wendy on 0447 614691 or Geoff (0456635527)