Tennis Geelong Junior Pennant (Saturday mornings)

The Junior Pennant Competition is held on Saturday mornings, it is a graded competition organised by Tennis Geelong. The competion runs for both Winter and Summer seasons each year.
The Summer season runs in conjuction with terms 4 and 1 of school term, and the Winter season runs in conjuntion with terms 2 and 3 of school, with breaks during school holidays.
Matches are played on Saturday mornings and usually start at 9:00am, although times may vary depending on teams entered. Matches are played at various clubs around the Geelong region, so travel is required.
All Tennis Geelong Competion Junior players must be current members. Membership for Juniors is free until October 2025. Please see the membership page for more information.
For more information or to join the Junior Pennant competition, please contact the Junior Committee.