Pre-Season Activities for Club Representatives
The committee will advise when the season has been set up in League Manager. This will be shortly after the AGM when the season dates are known. Please then add your nominated teams into League Manager. A tip when entering teams, please give each team a unique colour (ie don't repeat colours in different divisions). The reason for this is if Teams need to be moved to a different division, the issue of duplicated team colours is avoided.
A step-by-step guide is as follows. Please note sometimes League Manager can be a little glitchy. It may freeze, you may need to go out and come back in. Fortunately this is a one-off activity for the year. Hopefully it won't be too painful. Grab a beverage of your choice and settle in for a session on League Manager.
Log into League Manager
Each team needs to be added individually. Click on Add Team:
Add the Team details. Ensure you select the correct League which is our Association and the current year season. Select your preferred Division and choose the Facility where this team will play (eg your club - and for this example, Reade Park Lawn Tennis Club).
A completed Team might look like this:
As mentioned, League Manager can be a bit glitchy. You might get a message that says something like below. Ignore it, the Team has been set up.
If you do get this message, go back the Dashboard page and click on Nominated Teams.
The new teams entered will be on the last available page. Click on the name of the team you entered.
If you didn’t get this message, then hopefully you are now at the page to enter Team Members.
You can add your regular or Base Players and Reserve or Fill-in Players. The way to add Team Members is to search for them one by one. If the player has played at your club before search using their first or last name but not both. If you can’t find a name it may be shortened or a nickname, you may need to get a little creative in your searching (eg Rosey or Rosemary, Nicki or Nicky or Nicole). Searching with the last name may be useful in this regard. Select the player by ticking next to their name and then press Select a Person (which will change to Add 1 Person).
If the person is the Captain, click on the cog wheel and select Set Team Captain. You will see they get a (C) next to their name. You can also use that cog wheel to remove players or change them to a Reserve Player.
If you need to add a Player that is new to your club, choose the option at the bottom to “Add New Player”.
For this search function to work you need First name, Last name and Gender. The spelling must be correct or as they set up their ID.
Then select from the options in either League Manager or Other Results to add to your team.
Add all your Team members and then, very importantly, click Save.
Once you have clicked Save, next to your Team Name, you will see three dots …
Click on these and you get to Edit the Team details or Team Members (aka squad).
Rinse and repeat for the rest of your teams.
The system will not allow you to enter players that do not have an activated UTR. Via email or sms text, contact those players with these specific guidelines to activate their UTR - I have a Tennis ID and NEED A UNIVERSAL TENNIS ACCOUNT | Competitive Play | Tennis Australia . After they have advised you they have activated their UTR, you will need to use the "Add New Player" option at the bottom of the page in "Edit Squad" to add the player.
If you have accidentally entered a Team that you definitely need to delete, let the Recorder know and she can do that as Association Administrator.