
2023 Club Awards Presentation

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Our yearly Club Championship Presentation event was held yesterday. What a great event it turned out to be. We had over 60 people in attendance to celebrate our winners across the below categories:

  • Men's Singles: Kristain Burgess
  • Ladies Singles: Marina Tsiklas
  • Men's Doubles: Luke Tollemache & Temogen Hield
  • Ladies Doubles: Gala Reypolska & Marina Tsiklas
  • Junior Singles: Liam Hester & Runner Up Nicholas Sollazzo
  • Director's Club Person of the Year: Tony Azzam
  • Coaches award for greatest effort: Nicholas Sollazzo

A special thank you to our guests from Inner West Council, West Ashfield Leagues Club, and #holmanbarnes who attended, assisted with presentations and the handing out of awards.

This year we held the event at West Ashfield Leagues Club in their main function room and were provided with lunch and great service. We look forward to hosting future events there as proud Intraclub members of the #holmanbarnes group.

Congratulations again to all award recipients.


