Game Set and Match-Waikerie
What a Summer of Tennis 2023/24 has been!
Congratulations and well done to our Junior Riverland players and their 4 teams-who all made finals, with the G1 and G4 teams bringing home a premiership plaque to add to our new trophy cabinet!
Thank you to our Team managers-Penny, Ben, Rachael & Tess, and those who also helped out on occasions-Ashlee, Wes & Jacki. Thank you also to the families for getting the players to their games across the Riverland each Saturday morning.
Congratulations to the WTC 2023/24 Awardees:
Green 1 dual Sportsperson award-Sarah Kroehn & Indy Venning
Green 2 Most Improved-Tas Venning
Green 4 Sportsperson award-Archie Thomson
Orange 1 Most dedicated-Aggie Gosse
A very close tussle for our Most outstanding Junior Player for 2023/24 (based on win/loss ratio of both singles and doubles)
2023/24 winner-Reg Gosse (84%), Runner up-Nick Thomson (83%) and a very close 3rd place-Indy Venning (82%).
Greg Cottle Memorial-Club Contribution awarded to Penny Kroehn.
Thank you to the Waikerie Bowling Club for hosting our presentation evening and serving up a delicious meal.
Tonight we also wrapped up our Junior Coaching programme held on Tuesdays in Term 4 and Term 1 with 21 kids learning the skills required to play tennis-we look forward to many of these taking the next step in their tennis journeys into Riverland Tennis next Summer.
Thank you to our coaches John Pick and Penny Kroehn as well as Wes Bald and other parents who helped out from time to time within the sessions.
Thank you Ash at AE Custom Creations
for the players personalised sweat towels.
Thank you to Penny Kroehn (President), Ben Venning (Treasurer), Corrin Bald (Secretary), Amanda Hull & Jamie Myer (committee members).
Thank you to the 2023/24 Sponsors of the WTC.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Summer of Tennis and we wish you all the best with your Winter sports and look forward to seeing you back out on court for the Summer of 2024/25!