Twilight Internal Social Competition (Women - Wednesday night & Men - Thursday night))
Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:00

Viewbank Tennis Club was established in 1969.
In 1972 the Club started an internal men's twilight competition held on a Thursday which runs from November to March having a break over Christmas. This year is our 50th year.
The reason why the club started Twilight in 1972 was mainly for social interaction, getting to meet new members, getting out and being active.
In February 2022 the club trialled a Women's Twilight program which was warmly received and well supported. So much so the club is now introducing an internal Women's social twilight round robin event on a Wednesday night.
Twilight will commence on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 @ 7:00pm for Women and Thursday, November 10 @ 7:00pm.
The week prior to commencement the club will have a social tennis night on Wednesday (Women) and Thursday (Men) to come down and have an opportunity to have a hit and meet other members and decide if twilight is for you.
The format of Twilight is you get to play 2 sets of tennis, have some supper, a laugh and meet new people.
It runs for 6 weeks prior to Christmas and then returns for another 6 weeks from the first week of February 2023.
If you would like to join in and play in the twilight program or would like further information please feel free to contact the following people.
Women's Twilight - Sylvia 0411 272 760
Men's Twilight - Craig 0417 032 483