Club News

VPTC - Members Update 23/3/2023

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Dear Members,

Court Schedule Change this weekend

Please note change to our Court Schedule this weekend.  KTC use of our courts for their Championships will not be needed for this second weekend. We will resume our normal schedule.

    -  Court Schedule - Times

Club House Painting next week ! 

Committee decided to proceed with a professional painter rather than do it ourselves.  Council has approved our preferred quote and painting should begin next week.  Vlad Hardi ( is managing the project. You could still donate to the project but for now we can offer a mighty thankyou to our original donor and to all those who together added a further $700 to ensure that this project got under way.  Its been a great vote of confidence in the future of Victoria Park Tennis Club.

Members Forum Save the Date

Last year we had our first 'Members' Forum' where you provided input into the Club Plan for 2022.   This year we will conduct a similar event on Sunday 7th May 10 am .  Please mark the date.

Tony di Guglielmo President next Three Weeks

I will be away for three weeks from this Sunday.  In that time Tony (  will run the show.  There may well be issues around the club house painting. Please contact Tony about any matters arising.


*** Correction to my last communication which attributed the organisation of our recent court grooming to  Kew TC.  Rest assured your VP management had the task in hand !


Best wishes

Paul Smyth


Victoria Park Tennis Club