Club News


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Dear Members

Mid winter is typically a bit of a down time for VP but we have a lot happening at the moment.  Our regular social tennis groups have good numbers with new night-time ones added on Tuesday and Thursday.  This Tuesday also saw the start of the second round for our very promising Vic Park All Stars Comp team – playing at home. 


All groups are constantly seeking new members.  Check the court schedule on the web page for contacts.



Given membership growth is our top priority this year it is good to report on a 25% surge from around 100 in Feb to around 123 today.


LED Lights

The ‘free’ LED lights deal we had hoped for fell through. The State government informed us that that program supporting it had actually been discontinued at the beginning of the year.  Happily Committee Member, Grant Cameron stepped up and after canvassing and evaluating a range of quotes has presented options to the Committee.  Two have been selected which will be further investigated by Grant with the help of other Members.  Watch this space


Infrastructure and Amenities Plan

Committee has appointed a four-member subcommittee to develop a plan for the renewal of the Club House and its precincts (including sheds, cubby house, outdoor furniture and overhead cover etc.: Judy Robbins, Christine Sandown, Lad Hardi with Vic President Tony di Guglielmo.  Seek them out and let them know your views.


Court Surface repair

Our court surface provider, Grassports, has been out to look at fixing the large indentations which have developed between the clubhouse and the gate.  We have also advised them of a number of issues with the actual playing surface eg. gaps developing between sections which we are asking them to address.


Non – Comp Junior tennis on weekends.

Growing our juniors emerged this year as a key part of our Priority to increase Family Memberships.  In addition to reviving our comp teams post Covid, our Coaches have proposed working with club members to get some organised tennis events going for juniors on the weekend outside of the formal competition.  This might also have the effect of involving parents.  Do look out for this and support it where you can.


Relationship with Kew Tennis Club.

Committee reps will shortly meet with KTC to put in place our annual joint plan.  Outside of the construction of a Draw Net between their Court 4 and our area we don't expect any significant change from last year’s arrangements.


Best wishes


Paul Smyth

Club President