Newsletter - Spring 2023
Fri, 01 Sep 2023 00:00

Our neighbours say the roses are looking particularly promising this Spring. And we can say the same about the Victoria Park Tennis Club. This time last year I was asking Committee whether we would have a future if we could not stem the decline in membership over the Spring and Summer months. Looking forward this year I would say its not a question of do we have a future but rather, what kind?
Figures reflect the upward turn: membership around 100 at AGM now 126; with finances projecting a comparable increase. But most heartening is the upturn in Family Memberships. As you know we already do a great job for older players but it is the FMs who are the future of the Club.
Why the upturn? I have found two main factors. One has been a positive experience with our coaching staff (cardio and U3A, as well as one on one lessons). Thanks to Nicole, Jason and their team! The other is the attraction of a small, community based, members only club where you can have ready access to courts while making friendships with others from the local community. Our membership list is absolutely local!
With more new faces around, can I ask existing members to look out for our newbies and give them a warm welcome. Some may wish to join existing social or comp groups, or form new ones, or simply play on their own. If new members have any queries at all do contact me at
In the meantime your very active Committee ison the front foot ensuring that your infrastructure and amenities are everything a Vic Park member would desire. Grant Cameron's group will shortly announce the preferred installer of our new LED lights; while Tony di Guglielmo's sub committee is working on a longer term plan for the renewal of the Clubhouse and precinct.
A number of us have been working closely with the Coach in addressing some short comings in our court surface. Several large rectangular shaped subsidences between the clubhouse and the Gate have been repaired; while other matters are being looked into.
Recently we held our second joint meeting of the Vic Park and Kew TC Committees to agree the annual Cooperation Plan. Members will see little change from last year. We are waiting on the construction of the Draw Net between us and KTC's court 4. We continue the restricted access to one anothers' courts outside of the agreed times ie the Sunday morningsocial; KTC's use of our courts for their annual Championships; Vic Park's access to a KTC court for the Friday interclub social. This may be added to across the year by Committee agreement. Of course theAgreement recognised the need for Common Sense in these matters. Eg one club hasn't got enough players to make up a game and the other one has a spare, so they share.
We are indeed 'a club with a future'. But what might it look like? Leafing through the archives I was staggered to find that club membership in 2009 was 260 ! A key factor then was the number of Juniors: six comp teams. Where we might put them is a challenge but Committee ispulling out all stops to get our Juniors growing again. We would like more adult comp and night-time social tennis \ as well as on weekends - especially involving families. We are lucky we don't have a high rate of court use at the momentwhich is certainly a drawcard for new members. Overtime we will have to think more about the optimum membership size and mix of activities. We will need to preserve those qualities of accessibility and Village style friendliness whichis currently making us an attractive proposition for new members.
Paul Smyth
President -