Summer Newsletter 2024
Tue, 03 Dec 2024 00:00

Dear Member,
‘We are off a rocky road and onto the Freeway !’ Thus Treasurer Grant Cameron captured the euphoric spirit of our last Committee meeting for 2024. Partly this was a result of our total membership report which came in around 180 (approximately double the figure of a couple of years ago); but also a much stronger sense of shared goals for the Club as well as a new confidence about how to achieve them.
As you would know our big effort this Spring was the ‘Engagement Strategy’ designed especially to welcome all our newcomers and help them become part of a Club. While not finished yet, we have had some excellent results with lessons on ways to enhance our Club experience.
The first event - ‘Over 55s Social Tennis’ in conjunction with Seniors’ Week - had 30 participants including guests from two other clubs and three outsiders who responded to the Council ads. A great time was had by all and looks like we may have picked up a couple of new members as well. This represented a big step up for a club that has not had social events outside of our Annual Christmas Party for years. Most encouraging was the way so many pitched in to make it all happen.
Our Vice President Tony di Guglielmo spent hours assembling the BBQ; then got a group together to put up the new Umbrella just in time for the event; while also managing to organise the all important drinks. Peter Whitehill dusted off his Court Captain skills to manage the player traffic. Kew TC loaned us a couple of courts. Judy Robbins ensured we got the right bbq for our needs, while Greg McCarthy appeared as an impeccably attired Master Chef. On the day new members Ingrid Mann and Romayne Louey put their hands up as his assistants and soon found themselves running the show! Barbara Hall and Ian Breadon pitched in with salads, while visitors Bridget and Simone produced cakes. At the end of the show another new member, Vinh Ngyuen observed that the bbq hadn’t been cleaned and promptly donned an apron and got the job done. And of course Kitty Vivekananda volunteered her skills as Event Photographer.
Our second event reached out to night time players. We had fifteen participants: some members having played nights before at Vic Park while others were first timers. Ingrid Mann oversaw a gourmet bbq to everyone’s delight, while Mazdak Mansoury introduced his idea for a WhatsApp group where members (especially new ones) can go to find players to match up with (contact
Our third and final event aimed at Juniors and Families was marred by the recent adverse weather and it has been deferred to early 2025.
With two down and one to go, we already have three important takeaway lessons from our ‘people’ strategy this year. First we need to structure opportunities for members to meet, socialise and link up with other potential players. Second it does wonders for Club morale to have members pitching in and doing social stuff for the group and all for free. Everyone feels good and it’s infectious. And third – and not least! - it shows Vic Park members are very much up to the challenge.
Our junior competition teams enjoyed their first season of Saturday morning matches, and both teams will be playing again in the new season commencing in February 2025.
Members, (old and new) – this Newsletter also signals the end of the year for the Club. The installation of the LED lighting, the revival of our Junior Competition teams and the launch of our engagement strategy - all in 2024 - together suggest a Club now out on the Freeway after what had been a stretch of rocky road. To celebrate the Year please join us at the CHRISTMAS PARTY.
Regards, Paul Smyth
Club President