Club News

Autumn Newsletter 2024

Autumn Newsletter 2024

Vic Park Tennis Club



Dear Members


At our first Committee Meeting for 2024 we confirmed that this year would be the ‘Year of the New Members’.  At the AGM we heard that last year our Membership went from around 100 to 150 in December.  And while we inevitably lost a few with the change of year we are still starting off with a figure around 130.  With old ones departing and new ones arriving, this is changing the dynamics of the Club.  From a primary concern with stagnant numbers we are now focussing on the ‘problem’ of new members.  How do we engage?  How do we involve?


Very encouraging is the fact that the new life around the Club in 2024 is not just about the numbers.  Consider this.  After some recent rough weather I went to the courts expecting to find the usual palm\pine tree litter.  But the place was spic and span.  Did you know that one of our members, David Maine has donated a couple of rakes and he and others have been doing clean-ups as required!  Meanwhile the actual playing area has also been looking rather magnificent.  Why?  One Greg McCarthy had donated a Tennis Court Broom and shown some of us how it works – just drag it along behind you (not pushing it down or sweeping from side to side).  You can all join in.  Only takes 5 mins before your game. 


And the balls are bouncing higher!  Why?  Vice President Tony di Guglielmo has instituted a system whereby new balls – (paid for from your membership subscription) – are introduced each week.  See Tony’ s instructions in the clubhouse.  And then when you get to use our wooden garden furniture, notice the warm, woody colouring! That’s because Wendy Hart has spent hours on them - cleaning and rubbing down with the oils.  I am sure you would want me to thank them here and now as well as joining in their efforts when the occasion arises.


So 2024 is not just about adding more numbers but getting people more active in the life of the club. We have plenty of fronts to work on.  Very promising has been the small number of younger players being trained up on Saturday mornings for Junior Comp.  Last Saturday it was great to see a pair of dads hitting up on one court while Coach Nicole put their kids through their paces on the other.  This is what a Family Tennis Club is all about!  And when you remember VPTC once had six junior comp teams you can imagine what a shot in the arm the return of Junior Comp will be for the Club.


2024 then is filled with promise and we urge you to join us in our Engagement Strategy.  Whether its kids and or their Families, adults looking for night tennis under the LED, or our older players, we want to hear from you about ideas for bringing individuals together.  We will survey your views shortly.  Like the Rakes and the Broom, the New Balls strategy and the Oiling of the Furniture, the ideas and the energ lie with you the Members.  Committee can suggest and facilitate but at the end of the day we will need you to pick up the racket and have a go.