Tennis Courts Upgrade

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The Toolamba Tennis Club Committee has met with representatives from the Greater Shepparton City Council and Tennis Victoria to explore the options for upgrading our very worn-out courts.

A recent facility audit, commissioned by the Tennis Club Committee thanks to an Our Sporting Future grant from Council and support from Tennis Victoria, highlighted that our four existing courts need to be completely redeveloped in order to solve significant surface and drainage issues, and to bring the facilities up to current code.

The Committee will be liaising with the Toolamba Recreation Reserve Committee, Council and various other community groups to seek support to progress the project, with the initial step being the development of a detailed design in order to then seek funding for the full redevelopment project to go ahead.

The Committee is passionate about the ongoing development of the club to support the planned growth of the Toolamba community.

Please contact us with any queries or support on this exciting and critical project for the future of our club.