
In recent years we have celebrated some important milestones for our club, our 100th birthday in March 2020 and then the 75th anniversary of our junior tournament in December 2022. Our members have worked hard over the past 100 years to keep our club thriving.

Our current fundraising project involves a complete rebuild of courts 1,2,3 and 4. We are progressing well with this project however for many reasons we have seen costs escalate. We were hoping to begin season 2023-24 financially well positioned to start the upgrade of courts 5 and 6 and begin planning for a new restroom facility however we need your help!

Our history is rich with stories of local legends, long tournament days, a funny old clubhouse, narrow escape from fire, the junior tournament morphing into table tennis played in the shearing shed and committed members. Click here to listen to Rowan's entertaining and brilliant recital of his poem at our 100th.

The past few seasons have been fun and successful, the club is enjoying increased membership and a renewed enthusiasm for tennis, connection and community. We have a young and energetic President in Chris Tomlinson, as well as a good mix of experienced and new members on our committee. Chris has worked tirelessly volunteering many hours and equipment to ensure the successful completion of our current court upgrade.

We welcome players of all abilities, we support and encourage their tennis journey and we are thrilled when new players participate in club championships and tournaments. Funding from the Shire of Cranbrook through their Community Grant Program has seen the delivery of Saturday afternoon coaching for juniors and adults. Many of our new members both junior and senior have come from our coaching program. We love the busyness and vibrancy that our coaching families bring to the club.

The club comes alive on a Saturday with families enjoying an afternoon together. When coaching is finished social tennis begins while the kids play in the sandpit and build cubbies in the bush. As the sun sets the barbie comes out, we enjoy a long table dinner together and the kids ride their bikes on the courts after dark. Dirty, tired, happy kids fall asleep in the car on the way home from tennis. Memories are made for a new generation of TTC families.

Our fundraising page with the Australian Sports Foundation allows our friends, members, sponsors, supporters and local businesses to make a tax deductible donation to the club.

Your donation will ensure our vibrant tennis community thrives in our unique bush setting for another 100 years, thank you😍

Tenterden Tennis Club Committee

Tennis West "Club of the Year" Finalist

Lower Great Southern Tennis Association — 2023 Champion Club