TTC News


Men's Sundowner


2024 CBK Haulage Men's Sundowner

What a combo? Social doubles, pig on the spit, tunes from our friend AB🎸 and a good catch-up with mates🤠

Thanks everyone for attending our inaugural CBK Haulage Men’s Sundowner💫

We enjoyed welcoming Glen from The Regional Men’s Health Initiative. His message was simple, down to earth and well received – look after yourselves and look after your mates🤗

It was nice to see some new faces, we appreciate the effort made by so many of you😊

Great representation from Jingalup TC, thanks boys💫

Congratulations to Michael Young on winning the clock tournament⏰ and also to RU’s Mick Mathwin and Jack Wilson👏

Well done to the raffle winners, thanks to John Deere for the warm jackets🙏

The pig on the spit was superb, expertly cooked by Dexter, Brian and crew – so delicious thank you! @franklandriverpork 🐷✨

We are grateful for the generous sponsorship received from CBK Haulage, CSBP Fertilisers, Regional Men’s Health Initiative and Frankland River Pork🙏 @csbpfertilisers

#menssundowner #mensdoubles #menstennis #cbkhaulage #tennisclubs  #playtennis #clocktournament #talktoyourmates #mentalhealth #lookafteryourmates 

📸 Sheena House - thank you💖