TTC News


Champion Club🌟


It’s no surprise that we love Community, Family, History…….and we love TENNIS 🎾 and we’re quite good at it tooπŸ’‍♀️

I can say that as the proud spectator who cheered on the team and witnessed some fabulous tennis last Saturday!


Thanks for having us Katanning TC and congrats on a fantastic tournament! Well done to our team on winning champion clubπŸ†

THE TEAM: Alex Riggall, Clare King, Olivia Riggall, René Oelofse, Sam Lehmann, Chris Wise, Jack Wilson, Chris Tomlinson, Mark Addis and Rachael Nicholls


Alex and Clare won A grade ladies

René and partner Jody from Katanning TC were RU’s A grade ladies

Sam and partner Angus Armstrong from Toolibin TC won A grade mens

Olivia and partner Jane Kowald from Katanning TC won B grade ladies

Chris Wise and Partner Josh from Gnowangerup won C grade mens


Ballochmyle Clearing Sale

Best wishes Jock and Jen and thanks for the opportunity to cater for your clearing saleπŸ’š



#community #farming #family #tennisclubs #tennistournaments #volunteeringisfun #clearingsales #history #championclub #tennis