8 July 2020 COVID-19 Update

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**COVID-19 UPDATE 8 July 2020**
Unfortunately due to the 6 week Stage 3 restrictions for Greater Melbourne, Templestowe Park Tennis Club (along with all other Manningham tennis clubs) will be closed as of 11:59pm TONIGHT 8 July 2020.

As you're all aware, safety in these times for our everyone in our community is our #1 priority - and we thank you all for your commitment to safety across our return to play since the end of May.

What's next?
We'll be continuing to engage very closely with both Manningham Council and Tennis Victoria for a safe return to Tennis in Manningham and at Tempy Park.

How to stay informed?
Watch out for updates on our Facebook page in the first (fastest) instance. We will then also follow with an email to you and website update with any material change.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TemplestoweParkTennisClub/
WEBSITE: TemplestoweParkTennis.com.au

Thank you!
As always, thank you for your support, please feel assured the committee are investing heavily to bring the best outcome for our tennis community.

How to get in touch?
In the meantime, please feel free to get touch via email (TemplestoweParkTC@gmail.com) or ping us on Facebook with any questions, thoughts, concerns, feedback for us, messages of support, or messages you'd like us to pass on - we want to hear from you (good, bad or the ugly!)

Want more detail?
Today's Manningham Council update is available on our Facebook page for anyone who would like more detail, plus links to the Victorian Dept of Sport and Recreation, plus Tennis Victoria updates today.