Tennis is open from 20 October 2020

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To our dear TPTC Members & friends,

It's been a long time coming – we're finally BACK. As you will have heard, over the weekend the Premier announced sporting facilities including tennis and bowls clubs will be permitted as of October 19 with restrictions. So, starting from today, casual play and 1-to-1 coaching will return to Templestowe Park Tennis Club. 

We've been given strict guidelines for our operations moving forward, which are largely in line with what was in place prior to Melbourne's Stage 4 lockdown at the beginning of August.

Key measures include:

  • Maximum of 10 people at the facility at any time
  • Each grouping per court must come from no more than 2 households
  • Everyone in the facility must practice social distancing (1.5m apart) at all times
  • You must not travel more than 25km from your usual place of residence to use the facility (or place of work if you hold a permit to work at a permitted workplace)
  • Indoor facilities including clubhouses must be closed
  • Food and drink facilities are not permitted (incl. water bubblers)
  • Records must be kept of all users of the facility for contact tracing (names and contact details for all players need to be provided with each booking)
  • Equipment cannot be made available for hire or shared use

Given the above guidelines, we are restricting bookings to singles only, meaning no more than two people are allowed on a court at any given time. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in cancellations of bookings, and future bans if necessary.

We are so excited to have you back on court, so if you'd like to make a booking please head to the Court Hire tab on our club website.  

If you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to send us an email , or contact Club President Michelle Kapsalis on 0432 998 020.

Happy hitting!  Regards, TPTC Committee


Ph: 0432 998 020