COVID-19 Update 11 May 2020
Mon, 11 May 2020 00:00
Hi Templestowe Park Tennis community!
Following Dan Andrews' COVID-19 press conference this morning (11 May), below is an update re Tempy Park Tennis next steps to get back on court:
1. Next steps to re-opening
With many restrictions across Victoria lifting from midnight on 12 May, we're extremely keen to reopen Tempy Park tennis club as soon as we can. First step though, we need an OK from council (as they govern the facility).
We've been staying close to council during the lock-down period - and are hoping to receive an update over the next few days regarding a phased reopening - so let's all keep our fingers crossed!
We'll let you know as soon as we hear more. We would expect this may take a few days (and would be no earlier than tomorrow at the absolute earliest) as council may require some time to assess and plan for the whole community and all sports.
It's reasonable to expect any return will have restrictions in place. We will be guided by council and Tennis Victoria regarding timelines and conditions - these will be important to keep everyone in our community safe.
2. Memberships extended
In the meantime, the committee have also approved a 2-month free of charge extension for all memberships. This means for example that all memberships that were due to renew on 30 April 2020 have been extended until 30 June 2020 free of charge. Let us know if you have any questions, thoughts or feedback!
3. Coaching
The team at Gripping Potential will be in touch directly with all existing coaching clients - so look out for updates from Jayden and the team. Similarly, if you're interested in taking a lesson or two after we re-open, getting involved in cardio etc please also reach out to Jayden on Ph: 0402 296 835 or email :
4. Keeping in touch
We look forward to sending a next update very soon - but please do reach out via email at if you have any questions, feedback or would like to stay in touch before then.
For now, if you're on our contact list - look out for us in your inbox as you should have received an email on 11 May, plus we'll be in touch again via email over the next few days.
Updates will also be posted to the news section of our website, and our Facebook page.
Until then, keep safe and start to dust off your tennis gear!
Take care!