Club Newsletter - APRIL 2024
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 00:00
Dear Members,
St Monica's Club Championships - Sunday 17th March 2024
It is with great pleasure that I thank you for your outstanding participation in the recent Club Championships. Your sportsmanship and competitive spirit made this event exceptional.
Our Singles events (Men's and Women's) and Doubles events (Men's, Women's and Mixed) showcased some of the finest talent that our Club has to offer. It was great to witness the talent and passion displayed by all participants, and I am sincerely grateful for the time and effort you put into making this event a resounding success.
As we reflect on the memories created and the relationships forged, let us take a moment to celebrate the achievements of all who took part. The spirit of friendly competition and mutual respect was evident throughout the championships, and it is a testament to the incredible community we have built at St Monica's Tennis Club.
To our organisers - Rohan, Matt, Sim - and all who supported on the day helping with food and drinks I want to extend my thanks.
Please find linked photos capturing some of the memorable moments from the event - click here
Once again, thank you for your invaluable contribution to the St Monica's Tennis Club Championships. Our next job is to update the Honour Boards in the club rooms…
Trivia Night - Saturday 13th April 2024
A massive thank you to Michael Sexton and all of the supporting organisers who helped with set-up and hosting the Trivia Night at Symons Centre last Saturday. It was a memorable evening, filled with plenty of brain-teasing fun and laughs, and a welcome return since the last event in 2019.
The opportunity to reconnect with fellow club members after five years made the event all the more special. Your efforts in putting together such an engaging and entertaining evening did not go unnoticed Michael. The atmosphere was vibrant, the competition was fierce, and the chance to catch up with old friends while making new memories was great.
Michael, we appreciate the meticulous planning that went into organising the event. Your attention to detail and commitment to ensuring everyone had a great time was evident throughout the evening.
Looking forward to more gatherings as we continue to build the St Monica's Tennis Club community.
Club Events Calendar
May 11, 2024
· Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - Highpoint Maribyrnong - Volunteer Requests
St Monica’s Tennis Club ‘Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser’ is on Saturday 11th May from 9.00am until 4.00pm at the Maribyrnong Bunnings.
Please show your support and register to help please on the Community What's App indicating whether morning (8-10, 10-12) or an afternoon (12-2pm, 2-4pm) shift will suit you.
If you have not registered already;
Register to help at the Sausage Sizzle
Or you can register with Patrick Saundry:
June 2024
Membership Renewals
We are pleased to advise that Membership Fees will remain the same this year – we have been able to maintain these prices for the last 5 years.
Remember the early bird discount if you pay your membership before 30th June.
September 2024
Working Bee
Stay tuned for the date. The Working Bee is a great opportunity for you to catch up with other members and to put in an hour or two of your time to keep the Club looking fabulous. The BBQ will be fired up too!
October 2024
St Monica's Tennis Club 110 Year Anniversary Celebration
Stay tuned for details as we celebrate 110 years of our great Club. There aren’t too many community tennis clubs around who have such a long and rich history as ours, so we look forward to celebrating it.
Enjoy your tennis,
Patrick Saundry