Book A Court / Booking / Book by date

Book your court



Hire fee - court hire is $5/hour for non-members and free for members.

Access - you unlock the gate with keys located in the key box on the back of the club rooms. 

Members - we will give you a code when you join. Locate the key box for members (on the left), hold your palm over the keypad to wake it up, enter the code and press enter. The box opens from the top down. The keys open the gate, clubrooms and toilets.

Non-members / casual court hire - we will give you a code when you book a court. Locate the key box for non-members (on the right), hold your palm over the keypad to wake it up, enter the code and press enter. The box opens from the top down. The keys open the gate and toilets.

When you leave - remember to lock all the doors and the gate. Replace the keys in the keybox.