

Winter Pennants 2023 Results

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SMTC had two pennant teams for the 2023 Winter Pennants Season. A team in the 2023 Monday Night Men's Open 3 Player Fast 4 Singles/Doubles Division 2 League and another team in the 2023 Sunday Mixed-Up Doubles Division 1 League. Both teams had to fight every week to climb the ladder and make sure they reached the finals stage. The results for the teams are:

  • 2023 Monday Night Men's Open 3 Player Fast 4 Singles/Doubles Division 2 League - Finished 3rd on the ladder and battled through both the semi final and grand final to come out as champions.
  • 2023 Sunday Mixed-Up Doubles Division 1 League - Finished 2nd on the ladder and went out in a tough fought semi final.

A big thank you to everyone who played and represented SMTC in any game during the 2023 Winter Pennants Season and a big congratulations to both teams for reaching the finals stage. Well done to the 2023 Monday Night Men's Open 3 Player Fast 4 Singles/Doubles Division 2 League Champions!