SPTC Membership

SPTC has a number of membership options available depending on your level and interest . 

Programs range from beginners through to Senior Competitions.  

Everyone wanting to play competition tennis must register and pay fees to become a SPTC member each season (please note this is in addition to any  coaching fees).  

The Summer 2024/25  Season of Competition Tennis will begin in October .

Registrations Close 8 September

To register to play please select the relevant membership, complete the details and pay your online membership fees.   

Please note that returning players should already have an email account set up - for Junior Players this will be the parent's details.  If in doubt please do not set up a new account, email sptcfees@gmail.com to check the email address allocated for the junior member. 

Fees must be paid before the Season commences. You will not be placed into a team until full registration, including payment is completed.

Fees cover your insurance, game balls and any necessary court hire. You just need to bring yourselves and a tennis racquet!


The $100 Sports Vouchers program is a Government of South Australia initiative administered by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. The program provides an opportunity for children from Reception to Year 9 to receive up to a $100 discount on sport, dance and learn to swim fees.  This can be claimed once a year.  See for more information about  eligibility and the program at  https://www.sportsvouchers.sa.gov.au/

If you would like to claim your Sports Voucher please select the relevant membership category (with voucher discount) and email sptcfees@gmail.com so your voucher can be activated. Please Note: If our membership team find you have already claimed your voucher this year you will be invoiced for the $100 difference at a later date. 



1a. Summer 24/25 JUNIORS - SAT AM w/Sports Voucher

15/08/2024 - 15/04/2025

Discounted fees for Juniors playing Green Ball or Yellow Ball Saturday Morning Compeition eligible for Sports Voucher.

Eligibility: Must be in year 9 or below and eligible for the State Government Sports Voucher. If already claimed this year you will be invoiced for the outstanding $100.

Join now

2. Summer 24/25 JUNIORS - FRI NIGHT (by invite)

15/08/2024 - 15/04/2025

Juniors playing Friday Night Competition.

Eligibility: This competiton category is only for high level players approached by coaches.

Join now

3. Summer 24/25 SATURDAY AFTERNOON (seniors) COMP

15/08/2024 - 15/04/2025

Saturday afternoon Compeititon

Eligibility: Members only playing Saturday Afternoon competition. Juniors can also select this, if this is the only competition they are playing.

Join now


15/08/2024 - 15/04/2025

Junior Members playing Junior competitions (Friday nights or Saturday morning) and Saturday Afternoon Seniors Competition.

Eligibility: Under 18 Members

Join now

6. Summer 25 Orange Ball Term 1

01/02/2025 - 31/03/2025

Orange Ball - 2025, Term 1 only

Join now