These have been produced based on the Tennis Victoria Community Tennis Guidelines for Regional Victoria (below)


  1. No spectators are permitted inside the facility (watch from your car)
  2. Players to sanitise their hands at the beginning and end of each set (and during as required).
  3. Remember no handshakes or high fives, try tapping racquets instead.
  4. All players are to maintain social distancing at all times.
  5. Players are to leave the venue immediately after the completion of play so therefore no afternoon tea is permitted at this stage
  6. Bring 2-3 water bottles as clubhouses are to remain shut.  Toilets can be used.
  7. Participants 12 years and older must wear a face mask, unless they are playing a match.

Tennis Victoria Community Tennis Guidelines: Regional Victoria

  • All indoor facilities must remain close – this includes all clubhouses
    • Toilets/changerooms may remain open if indoors
  • Tennis equipment must not be shared
  • Only people core to playing or coaching can be at the venue. Spectators are not permitted unless supervising children (one parent/guardian should have line of sight of younger children)
  • A register of participant details that enter the facility must be maintained, you may want to use this QR Code resource to assist with participant tracking and encourage facility users to download the COVIDSafe app
  • Arrive and leave as close as possible to when you need to be there
  • Social distancing - Keep 1.5 metres away from other people while attending a tennis activity.
  • Remember no handshakes or high fives, try tapping racquets instead
  • Wash/sterilise your hands before and after you play
  • Avoid touching your face while playing
  • DO NOT share water bottles and bring your own bottle, already full