November 2023 News
Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00
The Monday night comp rolls on, with some disruption by the rain, but hopefully that won’t affect the last weeks. Grand final night is due on Monday December the 11th with some festive activities and the 100 club draw occurring on the night. If you haven’t purchased a square in the 100 club then see Nic or Speed over the next few weeks and bring your $10 notes with you.
We were informed this week that the club was not successful with our submission to the most recent Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure funding round. The next round of that funding is now open so we are going to apply again for resurfacing of courts 3 to 6.
Our Secretary, Sandy, has also sent off an application to the Community Building Partnership 2023 grants to replace the seats removed for the new path. This is the same grant funding that we received to replace the path. We will receive notice for these sometime into the new year.
The ‘expert’ patch on court 3 seems to be holding up OK so far and we can only hope it preserves until we attract funding to replace the surfaces on courts 3 and 4.
We received a quote to replace the perimeter wires and poles and the bad news is we will have to source some quotes to also replace the retaining walls.
At the same time, we need to investigate some sort of culvert drain for the northern end of courts 3 and 4. The heavy rain this week shows the minor works we carried out to fix this problem has not worked. I suspect that the new pedestrian/bike path may have encroached on the drainage potential in that area. I am hoping that some of the long term club members can tell me if this has been an issue more than ten years ago. I can’t recall it being this bad.
A round of the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund (CRIF) came and went as we did not receive landowners’ consent or the authority to apply in time. We have indicated to Reflections that we are prepared to do the documentation for this application and we will impress this on them when the next round is in sight.
The social tennis group is enjoying their Monday and Thursday morning games and have scheduled their Christmas party for Monday the 11th of December which will follow the days play.
We are planning to run the fun Holiday tournaments in January. We have again decided to run these on a Wednesday evening from about 6pm. These will occur on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Wednesday in January, weather permitting. We will be providing food, drinks and prizes at a very affordable entry fee.