
Our Club offers different categories of membership. There is a Basic Membership which provides access to the tennis courts  for free during the day and at discounted rates during the peak evening period (after 6 pm), but does not include playing inter-club competiton.

There are also Membership options for people who play in the EDTA-NETA competiton on Saturday afternoons (October to April) and/or the Winter Pennant competition on Saturday afternoons (May-September). 

Membership fees can also be paid via bank transfer (EFT)  - please email for bank details, for more information or if you have any questions.


2024-25 Basic Membership

01/09/2024 - 30/09/2025

Club membership for the 2024-25 'tennis year' valid to the end of September 2025, but *not* including inter-club competitions.

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2024-25 Membership + Summer Comp

01/09/2024 - 30/09/2025

Adult membership for 2024-25 plus fee for summer EDTA-NETA competition.

Join now

2024-25 Membership + Summer Comp (Concession)

01/09/2024 - 30/09/2025

Adult membership for concession card holders for 2024-25 plus fee for summer EDTA-NETA competition.

Eligibility: Concession card holders, e.g. full time students.

Join now