
All Welcome

Play as much tennis as you like for a low annual fee.

All memberships start from the day you join.

New adult & junior members are entitled to 1 x FREE group lesson (value $30) from our club coaching team at Pro Tennis Academy

[Only valid for adults who have NOT participated in a Pro Tennis Academy program previously.]


Please Note:

Visitors are welcome but they must be accompanied by a member. Up to 3 visitors may accompany a member on any occasion at no cost, however there is a fee of $10 each for additional visitors over and above 3 at any one time.  Visitor fees should be placed in the box to the left of the front door.

Visitors can only play 3 times a year before they are required to become members.

Competition and coaching take priority over casual court usage.

Lights are available for $10/hour.

Members may purchase Court keys for $30 from  Heather Rose / 0473464276 / This amount is refundable on return of the key.

Please direct any membership enquiries to Heather Ross / 0438523476 /

Please direct any coaching enquires to 0407 050 060 or

We are very fortunate to have many volunteers who look after our club but we do ask all our members to do their part Please make sure courts are bagged and watered before and after play and that our club facilities are left neat and tidy.



Family Membership

12 months membership

Unlimited daytime court hire, discounted night rates and access to competition

Eligibility: 2 adults and their respective dependent children living at the same address (children = 18yo and under, or full-time student up to 25yo – student card proof required).

Join now

Night Tennis Jan - Dec 2025

01/01/2025 - 31/12/2025

Night Tennis Players Only

Eligibility: Night Tennis Players Only

Join now

Single Membership

12 months membership

Unlimited daytime court hire, discounted night rates and access to competition

Eligibility: Single

Join now